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Mend Internet Connected Connect


I receive a message that my connectivity to the internet is limited or missing. i am connected through a router. When I connect the modem directly to the computer there is no problem. My servicer says the problem isn't there's. I try turning off computer, disconnecting modem and router. Usually works eventually, bit the problem returns.

April 2010
you may need a router firmware upgrade but depending on the os your using you may need to upgrade your router cheap but effective ones are made by d-link and linksys usually run around 30 dollars at bestbuy or wal-mart. if you feel the need to keep your router check the router website usually by typing or in to your browser address bar will get you in to the hardware set up for your particular router. check the manual on line to get the specific address to your router. and default user name and password for d link is admin:password for linksys is admin: just press enter or try password as the password.

April 2010
Assuming that you are losing WiFi connectivity then your ISP is correct - it IS your problem. Try a search on the web on using a utility called inSSIder to help you fix this.

April 2010
Mend Computers, Desktop PCs
Mend repair fix desktop pcs

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