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Mend Lighting

Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend > Lighting

Mend Wires Yellow Blue

3 gang wiring , where do all the wires go?

i have had a friend look at my lighting, now i am left with 3 red 3 yellow and 3 blue wires, the switch has (on the top line ) com, 1 way, 2 way, and com, the bottom line 1 way, 2 way, com, 1 way, 2 way, thanks in advance neil

neil butterley
April 2010
i'll let you know, thanks, can it really be that easy ???

April 2010
Always turn off the power at the consumer unit first!

Start from one side, put the yellow in common, red in '1 way' and the blue in '2 way', doing the terminal screws up securely as you go.
Then the next set (they are the other way up) put the wires in similarly numbered terminals, then the last set.

Screw the faceplate back to the wall.
Turn the power back on and see if everything works as you want it.
If the switches are the wrong way around, turn off the power and start again.

April 2010
Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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