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Mend Ford Fiesta Cars

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Mend Ford Fiesta Oil

gearbox oil change in my ford fiesta 1.3 ?

how do i put the gearbox oil in on my fiesta 1.3 fun i recently done the clutch and on removing the box oil was spilled and i need to top it back up HELP please

April 2010
I have the same problem on a 2003 1.6 fiesta,tell me is the elen key valve where the gear cables are?

August 2012
how do i change thermisat on fiesta 1.25 zetek x reg and how much oil does it take when i do oil change please .?

April 2010
thanks will be doing that later today if weather holds up thanks again

April 2010
at front of gearbox you will find an allen key bolt half way up gearbox (not bell housing) undo and fill till comes out then right level

April 2010
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Ford Fiesta cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Ford Fiesta cars