We had some leakage from the bottom of the washer dryer unit as well. It started after washing a heavy blanket in the washer, apparently something was shaken loose. After removing the back lower panel it appeared that the black rubber hose had come disconnected from the drain at the base of the horizontal drum drain. It was difficult to get it all reseated as there is a white plastic float ball in a white plastic basket inside the black hose. The black hose has a female fit onto the white plastic male drain. Inside the white plastic drain is another piece. Getting all the parts to line up is the trick, and when you do that then everything clicks back into place.
The white basket (that contains the ball) has an upper an lower part that are best assembled outside the unit. There is a small rectangle hole on the bottom of the basket that lines up with a black rubber "knub" in the black tube. The top of the basket lines up with slots in the inside of the pipe. Before you take the white parts out, remember what slots and knotches faced the back of the unit. The trick is getting it all together and locked into place. When seated properly, the inner lip on the black tube should fit over the outer lip of the white pipe. When it all locks into place, then it is easy to tighten the hose clamp in place. If you don't have it all lined up, then the hose clamp keeps popping off. If you have no patience for puzzles, then call the repairman.♠
May 2008