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Mend Hotpoint Freezers

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Mend > Freezers

Mend Hotpoint High Warning

FFA74 red high temperature warning light will not go out on My FFA74 ?

I have a FFA74 Hotpoint Fridge/Freezer, the red high temperature warning light will not go out and the motor runs constantly. I have defrosted the freezer compartment using a hair dryer as it had solid ice behind the back panel. Still no joy. Could it be the fan, or a temp sensor???

February 2010
hotpointfreezer light glows regular then goes of then back on

October 2010
its beyond repair throw it out and get a german fridge freezer
that will make hotpoint start to produce some useful units
no sales, no profits, no jobs, no company !!!
come on hotpoint get your finger out or go bust

May 2010
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Free repair help for Hotpoint freezers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
Free repair help for Hotpoint freezers