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Mend Vauxhall Corsa In-Car Audio

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Vauxhall Corsa Radio STUCK in safe mode?

My Vauxhall Corsa Radio is stuck in safe mode I have the code but it will not allow me to put in the code. I have follow the insturctions in the Corsa Audio Handbook, but still it will not work.

Does anyone know of a way around this or is the radio dead :)

February 2010
I need the code car radio: (Opel Corsa C, radio blaupunkt CAR2003 (F) GM0203 wothout display) CAR 2003 09 115 095
SERIAL NUMBER: (serial number GM020328296147, part number 7 649 200 321)

April 2017
Bought my meriva private radio on safe mode. Got no code tried to get a code for it off web site they couldn't find one. Bought another radio off e bay put it in its on safe mode as well no dodge with it . Is it poßible it's my car that's in safe mode and not actually the radio?

April 2016
hello i've recently had a new car battery fitted and now i can't get my radio to work as wen i switch it on its sying SAFE on it. I have the code to put in. I tried to put the radio off (but it wont turn off), I hold in the AS button but nothing.

Please help

March 2016
Plz help my radio is just sayin safe I hav just brought it ND don't no the code its a 1.2 04 drivin me mad wiv no music thanks

December 2014
my corsa stereo was working and then today after the garage working on the car it wont work.. so it says safe. but that's it. wont make a beep if I press as which wont allow me to put the code in? any help? suggesstions??

October 2013
Hello having a proplem with my corsa c 1.2sxi I've put the code in 3 times couldn't get it on now I have the right code for it went to put the code in but would allow me it keeps saying 7 safe I've tried holding the as button but nothin come up with out just safe 7 please help

September 2013
None of the above worked for me. My radio says 'Radio Safe' - no numbers nothing. Please help!!

May 2013
Safe 7- is 10minutes or so

The first two attempt you wait 20 seconds and then After it's 10 mins. After 9th failed attempt it goes to 640minutes. After that you will have to contact the dealer.

April 2013
Holding a s button works but you need to have ignition on while you are doing it

February 2013
My car radio says 7 SAFE when I turn it on holding down the AS button. I know the key code but the screen does not change so I cant imput the code, can anyone help please!!!!!

April 2012

My radio just says "SAFE" no numbers or anything. I have not attempted to put the code in, as I cannot get the screen to allow me to do this! - (and I have the code to put in which is more frustrating). Tried the AS button as described, but nothing.

Is my radio permanently dead?!

May 2011
worked a treat as described thanks,radio working

james canavan
May 2011
teresa if your radio says 7 safe you have got to wait untill the car has been running for how long i dont now i would say 1 hour mine is 6 safe but i dont now how long we have got to wait

January 2011
do any one now how long you have got to wait untill i can try the code again on the 6 safe

January 2011
i have tryed to hold as and then it bleeps then comes up 6 safe again

January 2011
my corsa says 6 safe tryed to code it i have code but how long do i have got to wait before i can reenter the code

January 2011
hello ive reacntly had a new car battery fitted and now i can't get my radio to work as wen i switch it on its sying SAFE on it and i have lost my radio code,hope some one can help please my car is a vaxhall cosra 04 reg,

January 2011
how to get radio out

November 2010
I have the same trouble and have done the above but it stays stuck in safe mode with a 7 please help as i hate being in car without my radio

May 2010
have the radio off, hold in the AS button, turn radio on you'll here a beep. release AS then the first number can be put in using button number 1 pressing it the amount of times required too get the right number on screen. then use button 2 for second number, button 3 for third number and same for fourth. once all numbers of code are in, press AS again.

April 2010
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
Mend repair fix Vauxhall Corsa in-car audio

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Mend repair fix Vauxhall Corsa in-car audio