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Mend Navman Satellite Navigation

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Mend Navman

Navman 450 problem?

I cannot navigate anywhere as when entering a postcode or address I get a message saying "A route cannot be calculated to your destination. Please check your routing preferences and try again"
Driving me potty (no pun intended) (Well maybe just a little pun eh?)
My preferences have just ticked some warn me boxes if I'm looking at the right screen??

Any help/ advice much appreciated.



January 2010
I had my s100 getting frozen when entered certain postcodes. Returned to Navman who re-loaded the maps and it now works but they are thick to understand and load the software because it gives out wrong ETA. Don't know if yours is still under warranty. They may charge if it isn't.

February 2010
Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation
Click here to mend Navman satellite navigation

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Mend Navigation, Satellite Navigation
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