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Mend Reset St House Sensor

how can i reset my melcom st 6000 house alarm sensor?

i have a melcom st 6000 house alarm, i had a sensor in front room + a sensor in back dinig room + front + back door sensors, my wall between dining room + back door as been removed so dining room sensor now moved + covers dining room + kitchen but if i set alarm + come back in through back kitchen door all alarm goes off because of room sensor covering it. how can i reset the room sensor to give me time to get to alarm box to turn it off before it goes off like the door sensors? do i have to reset door ones and both room ones or just that onekitchen sensor?

miss roberts
January 2010
I do not have the old code for my alarm how can I reset it

February 2015
As taken from my Melcom installation manual:

Factory settings are:
Zone 1: Timed Entry/Exit
Zone 2: Walkthrough
Zone 3 to Zone 6: Instant
Zone 7: Personal Alarm
Zone 8: Tamper

Any zone can be redesignated. It sounds like your back door is already set as entry/exit as tripping this zone doesn't set off the alarm immediately and allows you time to deactivate. If your dining room/kitchen sensor is, say Zone 3, you can reporgram this as a walkthrough zone as follows:

Press PROG
Press 1234 (or whatever your code is)
Press PROG
Press 9999 (default Engineer code)
Press 6 (zone status change)
Press 3 (assuming sensor is Zone3, otherwise enter correct zone number)
Press 2 (Sets zone to Walkthrough)
Press RESET twice to exit programming

You should now be able to enter via the back door without the sensor setting off the alarm. Should the sensor pick up movement without the back door being opened, the alarm will still trip immediately as you would want.

Hope this helps!


David Savery
February 2010
Hello. Don't know if you found an answer for this by now but I believe you can program the Melcom so that the zone with the troublesome sensor becomes a 'walkthrough' zone. This means the alarm won't be tripped so long as your back door contacts have been tripped first (assuming these have been set as an exit zone). Thus, someone breaking in through a window would trip the sensor and set off the alarm while someone coming in through the door would have several seconds to disable the alarm but can walkthrough the zone in the meantime without the alarm sounding. Do you have the manual that comes with the Melcom unit as this shows how to set a zone as 'walkthrough'?

David Savery
February 2010
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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