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Mend Zanussi Dishwashers

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Mend Zanussi Pump Stops Bottom

Zanussi ZDF231 Pump starts then stops?

Noticed that it had not washed, tablet in bottom but not dissolved, water had pumped out. Tried to restart. had to reset, hold button in 3 to 5 secs etc, then tried to switch on. All I get is the pump running for say 10 secs then nothing, needs resetting each time then try and as I said pump runs then stops and nothing else.

Any ideas? Thanks

January 2010
my zanussi zdf231 wont start. The finish light keeps flashing. it starts up then just stops. ive tried putting water down it. cleaned it all out but still nothing! any idears?

October 2010
hi yes what i find with dishwashers are throw a bucket of water in as has been drain turn it on it will drain then do nothing and leave on for 5-10 mins should work as this works for me every time it is drained

September 2010
Thanks ck. Checked hoses all ok, water supply good. When disconnected watse water ran from hose until drained. what checks on pump need to be done or could it be anti spill or leake cutting in? Is therea reset around pump or drip tray? Thanks again

January 2010
is the water switched on.has the hose kinked.could be anything making this happen as it will fail safe on a fault.common issues are blocked drain hose.kinked inlet hose,seized pumps

January 2010
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