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Mend Ryobi Grass Trimmers

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Mend Ryobi String Weed Eater

Put the string back in a Ryobi ss30 Weed eater?

The String won't go back in.

April 2006
Try using a 7/32" allen wrench...worked for me!

Rich, Glen Burnie, MD
September 2008
Just changed the clutch on my RY30002a. The center screw is a T20 on my model and a bit would not work.

July 2008
A great source for parts:
They sell the whole assembly for $17 if you need it.

April 2007
The "Magical" screwdriver is a Torx 25 or T25. You can get at a good hardware store. Make sure you get a screwdriver and not a bit because it will not fit down the shaft. See the following:

This exploded veiw will help a lot:

April 2007
"FYI - It is not easy to do and I have yet tp find the "Magical" Screw Driver required to take the screw out of the shaft."

I tried various size hex wrenches (which didn't fit) and then tried a torx which did fit. Had to use a pair of channel lock pliers to apply enough torque to loosen but it did come out.

MW (been there, done that)
August 2006
You need a torx screwdriver, a 25 or 30 I think. Loosen the 4 screws holding the clutch housing to the motor. The clutch is behind the housing you just removed. Use the same torx screwdriver and insert it into the clutch (where the ddrive shaft for the trimmer would go). stick another screwdriver thru the housing to lock the flywheel. The screw holding the clutch on is rotated CCW to remove. Once the clutch is off, you have to remove the two centrifigul clutch plates. I just whacked them with a punch and hammer (CCW) to loosen and just spun them off.Using the same screwdriver, there are 4 screws on the clutch side of the motor cover and 2 on the other side at the top. Once you get them off, inside the housing will be 3 screws holding down the plate which holds the rewind mechanism. On my machine, the spring in the mechanism pulls out from the retaining hole and jams up. So I'm here on-line trying to find out where to buy this part. Don't forget to oil the pawls on the flywheel the engage the starter. One of mine was stuck. Assembly is the reverse of dissembly.

August 2006
Call Ryobi Tech Support 1(800) 525-2579
They will give you the 10+ Steps instruction
FYI - It is not easy to do and I have yet tp find the "Magical" Screw Driver required to take the screw out of the shaft.
Good Luck

April 2006
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Free repair help for Ryobi grass trimmers

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