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Mend Renault Clio In-Car Audio

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Mend Renault Clio Working Card

2006 renault clio radio/cd not working?

could bad weather conditions affect my card radio.It has, all of a sudden died, but the clock display is still on. It was working fine but 24 hours later, when I went to use it again it was off.Oh,and where is the fuse located please?

kath hughes
January 2010
I got the exact same problem. What's the solution please?

December 2016
Well........ We was ready to throw our old Clio with a broken radio/CD away after the big chill & start to use our Ferrari GTO (the one Santa is due to bring, late but never the less due)
I turned on the radio & nothing........ So I Followed the disconnecting of the battery instructions..... black earth side is safer, reconnect & pressing the on button on the radio if it fires up the code number will need putting in........ use the first 4 radio station selection buttons, 1 for the first number, 2 for the second & so on......then press 6 & hold it down until it plays your tunes............No need for that Ferrari....... now...... maybe next year Santa

Phil Fuller
December 2010
Renault Clio radiosat - Try turning the starter key to the first position and hold down the radio ON button until CODE appears on the display screan. After that follow the instructions for entering radio code. Remember that the code is entered by radio channel button 1 for the first digit. Keep pressing button 1 until you get to your fist digit code then move on to the radio channel button two for the second code digit. etc for 3rd tc for 4th..... After that press radio channel code 6 and the radio will start.

Paulette French
December 2010
This has just happened to mine as well.

Checked fuses and still doesn't work.

March 2010
My GFs clio did just that today. Fixed it by unhooking the battery for a short while. And pressing the power button on the stereo for 5secs (Purges any possible charge in the condensators etc)
Hook up battery again and it works just fine again.

February 2010
I supposed it was under warranty, otherwise they would charge you wouldn't they?

Danny Leeds
January 2010
My daughters 2006 Clio radio ceased working before Christmas. We checked the fuse and it was intact. She took it into Sutton Park Renault and they fixed it while she waited it took about 10 minutes and no charge. They said it had frozen out due to the sub zero temperatures. Good news. Did not last though as it has now happened again due to the big freeze. There must be a simple answer to fix this yourself. Any suggestions? It appears that Renault are very aware of this situation.

Cliff Commander
January 2010
Mend Audio, In-Car Audio
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Find out how to mend Renault Clio in-car audio