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Mend Fiesta Remote Stopped Working

How can I reprogram remote locking on Fiesta Mk4?

All of a sudden stopped working. Works via the key, but not through the remote. Changed batteries few months back. Didnt think it was the battery but changed it anyway but no effect. Checked Haynes manual but doesnt seem to give advice that is suitable for my car (ie. turn to position I and then back to 0 and the clock should stay illuminated for 30 seconds, which doesnt happen in my case and just goes off). Also talks about an transmitter with a light. Thought my remote might be the transmitter but has no light so must be on about somethin else.

Any ideas please??

April 2006
The thing is that i can use the key no probs, it just doesnt work via the remote. Spoken to Ford and they say they gonna charge £25 just to re-program it. As anyone else would ask, is there a way in which the average geezer can do it at the comfort of their home??
By the way, thanx for answering my question Mel

April 2006
your car key has 2 operations
1. For the engine immobiliser
2. Central Locking.
Your problem lies with the central locking and obviously not with the engine ignition key micro-chip transponder.
In this case you would be advised to visit your local garage and have a chat with them over your problem.
In the meantime have a read of this website it may assist you.

April 2006
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Fiesta cars

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Mend repair fix Fiesta cars