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Mend 9427 Home Alarm Systems

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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend 9427 Wires Checked Panel

9427 keypad has been ripped off the wall?

Hi, was wondering if there is anything I can do to repair this.
My 9427 keypad has been ripped off the wall and when I have reconnected the 4 wires and checked the panel control I have noticed that the PIR's do not light red when I walk pass and the internal bell is ringing.
I have checked the main fuse panel to see if it was switched off by the police but not and also checked the control panel and no fuses have blown.
The barglars, from what I have been told as only ripped the keypad off.
So is therea way of reconnecting this.

December 2009
Hi Nick, sorry for this but the 9651 looks better than the one I currently have!!!! lol
Maybe a whole new revamp and include the conservatory on the system but also allow the cono to be 'armed' at night only via a seperate keypad when the family sleeps??
Wonder if this is capable of that??

December 2009
Thanks for that Nick,
Will see whats on the market as I am looking for a seperate alarm system just for the conservatory which will have a keypad etc but I have heard that a normal PIR sensor will not work due to the heat in the conservatory in the summer.??
Is that correct?
Thanks again

December 2009
Hi Karl, If your looking to buy a seperate system, i install the Scantronic range, the 9651 is their smallest panel and comes complete with a remote keypad and costs about £46.00 inc vat from wholesalers, they are 8 zones and are not expandable beyond that. But they are a proffesional alarm system and offer lots of programming options. Stay clear of the Accenta range as they are cheap and nasty and designed at the lower end of the market.
If you need help with a supplier and where to get the 9651 from give me a call.
Nick 07842 480037

December 2009
Hi Nick,
thanks for that.
I have checked the fuses and you were correct!!
My eyes are not as good as 10 years ago..
Also was wondering if you could recommend a separate alarm system just for the conservatoy with a keypad??
Thinking of installing one and setting it at night just for the conservatory.
I have tried to see what type of alarm system I have but there is no brand on the control box and only on the keypad which is the 9427.
I was thinking of adding on if possible.
Thanks again

December 2009
Karl i am assuming you checked the fuses with a multimeter, you cannot look at these fuses with your eyes to check them. The are 1 amp quick blow and are available on Ebay for about £1.60 for 10
If you need help, ASK
Nick 07842 480037

December 2009
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Find out how to mend 9427 home alarm systems

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Find out how to mend 9427 home alarm systems