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Mend Lighting

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Mend Light Staying Turn

security light stays on?

I have a motion-triggered security light, and as of yesterday, it is staying on all the time. I had to turn it off in the middle of the night as it was bothering me shining into the bedroom.

Any helpful tips would be greatly appreicated.


December 2009
I have exactly the same problem.
I bought 2 security lights from B&Q, I've already had to replace one of the lights as it either stayed on or just kept turning on and off randomly.
Now the second light appears to have a fault (STAYING ON AGAIN), so I guess I'll have to replace this one now.....
Not good enough when you think these lights are less that 6 months old...
December 2009
It sounds like a faulty unit. The only thing you can try is to switch it off at the main switch, clean the sensor and surrounding bits with a stiff paintbrush, and remove all cobwebs and crud. You can clean the sensor window with cotton buds and window cleaner. You may have to remove spiders and woodlice, as they seem to enjoy living in these lights. It this doesn't work, get an electrician to replace the unit. Unfortunately in my experience, these sensor lights do not have a long life.

December 2009
Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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Mend D.I.Y, Lighting
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