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Mend Sylvania MP3 Players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend > MP3 Players

Mend Audio, MP3 Players

how do i get the cd program to start the sylvania smpk8854b?

how do i get the cd program to the sylvania smpk8854b i lost mine and need to put new songs on it

December 2009

However, you can use Windows Media Player, RealPlayer and my favorite program MediaMonkey (free but converting to 128bitrate makes you buy the upgrade) to put songs onto the player. No drivers are needed for Windows XP and up - you do need the usb cable. The Sylvania drive will appear in "Windows Explorer" or the *Start* "Computer" as a simple drive which can be viewed and at a minimum use drag and drop or copy your mp3 files over. I use a software program to put files on the player so it converts all songs to 128 bitrate which allows me to have over 1000 songs on the 4gb provided. I use a SD chip to hold come audio books and a video I may want someone to view.

January 2010

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
Click here to mend Sylvania mp3 players