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Mend Kenmore Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Kenmore Agitate Model Number

My Kenmore seris 80 does everything EXCEPT agitate!?

I have a Kenmore seris 80 Model number 110.23832100 that suddenly won't agitate. It fills, drains, spins . It just won't agitate. the timer is running but no noise comes from motor.

Mike Burchfield
March 2006

Does the washer fill to the set water level and then stop? If so, I would check the water level switch for continuity once the washer has stopped filling to make sure switch moved over to the fill side. Other than that it could be a bad timer contact in the timer. I would use the wiring diagram and check the switch first.

March 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Kenmore washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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