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Mend Hotpoint Aquarius Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Hotpoint Aquarius 1000 Wm22

My Hotpoint Aquarius 1000 de luxe wm22 jumps!?

Sorry, I'm new to this. Please forgive me if i ask dumb questions.
It thinks it's training for the Olympics High Jump event. I've taken the lid off, and I see that one spring runs from the front to the concrete and another runs from the back to the concrete. Both springs seem intact and nothing else seems out of place.

Carly Stone
March 2006
OMIGOSH! It's spinning so much more smoothly now. You were right, the filter was half blocked. Thank you so much! WE ARE NOT WORTHY!

March 2006
Sounds Like you need to clear the fillter out . If the machine go's into a spin, full or part full of water it will make the machine spin violently. A QUICK TEST With the machine empty of clothes:- put the cycle on to a rinse (picture of a shower head) let it fill up and then rotate the cycle to a spin (swirly line) it should empty within 20 sec's.
To get to the fillter you''l need to isolate both the elect' & water and removed the rear lower pannel.
you'll find a black "L" Shaped hose attached to both the drum & pump take that off to find if anything is blocking it.

Dee Jay
March 2006
I think it has got noisier recently. Yesterday i saw it jump shortly before it got to the shower symbol on a 40 wash. It jumped a good inch because i think it hit the worktop.
I checked the concrete brick for loose bolts as well, but nothing was apparent.

March 2006
Hi Carly.Other that the machine jumping Is the Machine very noisy on fast spin (rumble) to the point you can't talk when in the same room ?

Dee Jay
March 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hotpoint Aquarius washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hotpoint Aquarius washing machines