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Mend Briggs & Stratton Rototiller

How can I fix my Briggs & Stratton rototiller carbuerator?

I have a Craftsman rototiller with a B&S enigine #137202 that is not drawing fuel from the tank to the carb. It will start if I pour gas in the carb, but then stops. I have replaced the diaphram gasket on the side of the carb, blown out the ports, and air bubbles will come up in the gas tank, and have put in fresh fuel all to no avail. What do you suggest next?

above 2006 question - have same problem with model #137292

November 2009
Top the tank right up, then retry. There's a small 'cup' inside the tank that acts like a float chamber in a conventional carb. The purpose of the diaphragn you replaced is to pump fuel from the tank proper nto this 'cup'. It takes a while for the tiny amount of fuel delivered by the pump to fill it. If you 'brim' the tank, it short-cuts this process.


Phil Saunders
November 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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