when I turn the key there is only a clicking sound and engine does not attempt to turn. this has happened before and disappears or returns for no apparent reason
I had exactly the same problem. I bought some jump leads to test out the dead battery theory and hey presto the engine roared into life. Off now to but a new battery!
June 2011
i am having the same prob the problem is uuder the seat there are 2 fuses next to there is a pcb that is probly the problem take it out and have a look between where the wire connects and the relays there should be a diode that has probly blown and i am trying to find out what diode goes in it myself so if find out can you post it on here please as have to buy a whole pcb at about £30 or with a little soldering and the correct diode it will cost about £1 so if you know what diode it is please email me or send me a picture of the pcb with diode in view please help me to help you
deanonew at hotmail.co.uk
May 2010
Most likely the battery is dead.
November 2009
Also make sure you have a fully charged batt.
November 2009
try putting a screw driver acrose the two large wires on the solinoid, if it turnes the engine replace the solinoid, if you still get the noise check the leads on the battory, clean the termanals and fittings they could have built up a bad connection.