Vaillant Turbomax 242e water running hot then cold then hot?
I have a Vaillant TurboMax 242e. The hot water runs hot then cold then hot, with the burner turning on then, presumably overheating and turning off, then on again repeatedly. The temperature guage reads just under 90degC which the water from the tap isn't reaching. I'm assuming the diverter valve isn't opening properly to allow a decent flow of water into the heat exchanger. Any thoughts on the symptoms and the solution.
hi, i've got a similar problem with no hot water at times. my temporary solution is to keep the tap running then i turn the system off wait several seconds and switch it back on. it seems to kick start the system to heat the water. but need to get a permanent fix.
November 2009
Iv got exactly the same problem!!!
Been told its either the heat exchange needing to be replaced or a sticking divertor valve.
Still waiting for more info.
U had any joy???
November 2009
I can answer this question...
Vaillant Turbomax 242e water running hot then cold then hot?