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Mend Newhome Three Oven

Stoves Newhome SN70FP?

Our toddler has been playing with the three buttons on the oven front whilst switched on at the mains. The display now reads Fu.14 and now the bottom fan assist oven does not work. Top one works but no bottom one. No mention in manual of any fault codes , if that is what it is !

Any ideas would be gratefully received.


rich thompson
November 2009
Most appliance's made by stoves has this problem if the timer is made by the same manufacturer. the stoves help line, in our hour of need could not help us as my wife and i have experienced, HHHMMmmm, to rectify, unplug or switch the appliance off at the Mains Supply and leave for 10 mins, holding two or three buttons at one time wont help. But allowing power drain to the timer will help to correct itself or will allow it to go into default mode which will then allow you to reset the clock display as required. it may take a second try but it should reset.
if you are not confident get help.
hope this helps.

January 2012
Thanks mike, switched off at mains and left it overnight. Next morning everything working fine, so possibly a case of "bugger it look at it in the morning" worked.

rich thompson
November 2009
We had a similar situation when our kids were younger.

We have a Stoves oven (720EF with 5 timer buttons) and I think what happened in our case was the timer gets set somehow to switch the oven ON at an unknown time in the future (This is perhaps why your oven will not switch on manually ) .IIRC switching off at the mains for 20 minutes and then switching back on cured it .(One other regular reset I do remember when we couldn`t get it to work after the kids had been "playing" was pressing two of the timer buttons at the same time.)

Not really an answer , but at least something to try.

In the end our timer failed ( the display failed and the alarm kept buzzing when not used ) so I had to dismantle it and overwire/strap the timer out to keep the oven working. It`s still like that as a new timer circuit board was going to cost around £125

It just means that we cannot set the oven to Automatic...but we rarely need that as the kitchen boss is at home all day.

Good Luck

November 2009
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