the oil pump is electronic as you say the same as a peugeot ludix too,if the veins in the oil pump are worn then the oil will siphon through it and fill the crankcase up if you leave it standing for a while.i would mix some 2 stroke oil in a can put 25ml of oil to each litre of petrol this will make sure its getting oil give it a good shake and put it in the tank, get the bike running and pull the small oil feed pipe off the pump and just rev the engine to around 2-3000 rpm and see if it pulses out of the pump if it does then its ok if it doesnt you can either get a new one or keeps mixing the oil in the pretty sure they do not have a bleed screw just hold it so the small pipe is pointing up for a while and look for bubbles.adam trained motorcycle mechanic !20 years + trust me.
adam bike doctor
October 2009