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Mend Packard Bell Notebooks/Laptop PCs

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Mend Packard Bell Note Laptop

I am updating my old Packard Bell EASY Note E1245 laptop?

I have no sound whats so ever!Did I ever have audio !!I cannot remember as it has been ages since I blew the dust off this machine!!Please help as I am hoping to hand it down to my young son who is already hard of hearing.Do I need to invest in some external speakers?If so, which would you suggest be the best.As with many of our kingdom folk,money is very tight at the moment.

October 2009
Navigate to Control Panel and select Sound Speech & Audio - you'll discover what you have.

A specialist computer shop will sell headsets - external speakers will just annoy the neighbours.

Good luck...

October 2009
Mend Computers, Notebooks/Laptop PCs
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