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Mend New World Gas Cookers

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Mend New World

Where can I get a New World Sola Grill Burner Assembly?

I need to locate a grill burner assembly for a New World Twin Line built under oven/grill. The part no of the grill is 933228000, G.C. No. 079 402.

The oven type CKG 21514 (G.C. No. 11 641 09) was fitted in 1991!

Can anyone help???

Peter Bottomley
March 2006
It's not Maloney, it's Merloni. They aren't too helpful; they will send someone to look at your appliance for a call-out charge, but won't guarantee to be able to fix it. Greedy or what?

February 2010
Indesit do the early models (Maloney), and Glen Dimplex Home Appliances Ltd do the later ones.

If you want to avoid 087 charges, ring 01514267011 ask for the parts dept at Glen, they can also transfer you to Indesit parts (make sure they transfer you to Indesit's new number, as it recently changed).

Peter Bennett
November 2008
the correct phone number for maloney spares is 0870 5585850.rang them today & are very will need make/model & possible the CKG NUMBER.

andy brown
July 2008
New World say the model was built by Maloney and badged under the New World name. New World do not service/supply parts and gave me an 0870 number that rings in a Manchester Recruitment Agency. Who are Maloney? and who supplies their parts??

Dave Dobbin
April 2008
I also am trying to locate this same part did you find one

Rod Newton
November 2006
Did you have any success?

We are also looking for a New World Sola grill burner assembly but for a 12 year old built-in oven and grill. What fault did you have on yours? Ours is lighting but blowing out with a bang almost immediately.

Jenny Anderson
March 2006

March 2006
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Free repair help for New World gas cookers

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Free repair help for New World gas cookers