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Mend Ford Fiesta Light Car 2004

Is it possible to disable enngine management light?

I bought a car ford fiesta Lx 2004 1 month ago with 3 month warranty, within a week engine manage ment light came on while driving, i took into the dealer there was problem with O2 sensor and catalytic converter convertion rate too low,dealer change that O2 sensor then he told me sensor was the problem that is the reason catalytic convertion rate showing low. After a week again engine management light came on then i left my car with dealer 2days to diagonise the fault after words never engine management light came on.But when i bought that car engine management light come on when it starting and extinguish when engine on only lights came on running condition when fault with engine,After that last maintenance never light came on starting process as well as when engine had problem i try to contact that dealer he saying he don't know any thing, I took into another person for fault scanning it showing fault p 0420(catalytic conversion rate too low). If you dont mind any body can tell me is possible to disable engine management light through software, all other lights in dash board working as per manual showing and car running smoothly exept smell from exhaust.please suggest me any short cut for cleaning catalytic converter.

Jack daniel
September 2009
Yes you can.
Just remove the bulb.
The more devious cowboy will wire the EML to the ABS, airbag or oil pressure light so that it appears to do a self-check.

September 2009
you cannot disable the light

September 2009
The engine management light MUST come on (self test) with the ignition then go off when the engine is started.
If it does not the car will fail an MOT.
I suggest you take the car to an MOT station, preferably one run by your local council, and get it tested immediately while it is still under warranty

If/when it fails go directly to trading standards.
The dealer sounds like a proper cowboy.

September 2009
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