battery went flat. put new battery on - will not start. red light comes on with ignition then goes off and fleshes twice. then comes on all time. no spark at plug. does the flashing indicate a problem? thankyou
i charged battery but now electric start is just spinning and kickstart wont start it ,its not been started for few months
November 2011
The two flashing lights indicate theres is 2 recognised keys, the immoblliser will flash corresponding to how many keys the immoboiser recognises, is there anything wrong with the key? cos for vivacitys there are electronic components inside the key, if you have the master key (which is a red key) you can use that one!!!!
February 2010
Not being funny but check to see if you have wired the barrery the right way round. Also which red light comes on? Is it the battery light or which light?