If I can just generalise here.....if you undo the single nut on the rear wheel hub, does it pull clear leaving the bearing in the hub? If so it can be carefully drifted out but if it gives any problems, take it to a scooter shop who will have a press to dislodge it. Re the stripped stud - these are always common and awkward. You need to get the stud out of the barrel - maybe by using mole grips or by threading two nuts onto any remaining thread and undoing them as one. Purpose built extractors are available but the thread size is small. Anyway, if you get the old stud out, the threads may still be good enough to screw a new one in, but if the threads in the barrel are poor its best to drill them out to accept an 8mm thread, using a screw cutting tap. You would use a 7mm pilot drill for this. If that isn't suitable, you could maybe glue in a piece of threaded bar with Araldite - but the hole would need to be perfectly clean for this.
September 2009