Hi, i had the same problem with my polti machine but now remedied! Polti recommends you use ''kalstop'' each time you fill up if you live in hard water areas. I didnt find that very usefull to be honest. Anyway to cut the story short, i found that the problem was that the boiler was so full of limescale that it blocked the water from reaching the junction to turn it into actual steam, therefore no steam output - just pressure. I took drastic action which is not reccomended by polti, but it worked for me. I used two sachets of ''oust'' multi purpose limescale remover and boiled it with water, but without the safety cap on. it did produce a lot of bubbles and made some crackling noises. When you hear the noises turn off the boiler and let the mixture just work its way through the machine, try pressing the trigger hose even though you dont have the pressure cap on and i can guarrantee it will work! then rinse out the boiler a few times to remove the oust solution. This should solve your problem. For about 2 pound a sachet its a lot better than a call out fee of at least 60 pound! It doesnt harm anything in the machine just gives it a thorough spring clean!!! (but not recommended by polti though, just so you know!) If this fails or you are not sure, just ask me again and ill try guide you through it. Good luck :-)
February 2010