Generally there is no need to replace the Titan 2000 pump.
Just ensure the pump is switched off and unplugged before carrying out the following procedure:
1. Remove the plastic case from around the filter (lift tabs up around the housing).
2. Take note of the position of the pump in the housing before removing it otherwise it will be difficult to locate when procedure is complete.
3. Get a Coctail stick or similar and at the inlet side of the pump push the white plastic impeller around in both directions until it turns around relatively easily. It will be difficult at first but will free-up eventually. Even when free you will notice some resistance to turning the impeller .... this is normal.
4. Job done. Re-assemble in reverse order.
Before switching the pump back on you are advised to ensure that the electrics are not faulty and are checked by a competent person.
Safety First!
February 2011