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mk2 Mondeo rad fill bottle keeps bubbling over...why??

mk2 Mondeo 1.8 zetec (99 T Black top) a year ago the bottom water pipe (metal 1 running under the crank)split due to corrosion causing the car to slow up really quickly & evenctually stop. Since replacing it with a flexy similar the car just wont hold any water. I cant find any leaks & the head gaskit is fine but its chucking out water when it gets hot straight out the top of the filler bottle even when tightened tightly...the top rad hose is getting hot, iv had a new thermostat put in but cant understand why its chucking the water when hot back out?...could there be a block some where?...should i strip all water system pipes off & flush the system if so how??...any help would be very very much appreciated.

August 2009
definitely head gasket or cracked head especially if it overheated and lost power first of all.

August 2009
wouldn't there be alot of whit smoke tho if it was the head gasket?...also the oil is spotless & 2 litres of water every few days would surely be visable in there some where wouldnt it?...the breather hoses are all clear & clean, no gunk any where?

August 2009
Steve, it still sounds like the head gasket, I had the same problem, about £400 fix as belt has to be replaced also

David Woods
August 2009
Hi John...the head gasket is fine, no coolant leak going into there & the oil is exceptionally clean...the temp gauge does not run into the red when its getting hot & chucking the water out either? having to put in about 2 litres every 3 days or so to replace whats being rejected

August 2009
If your car is throwing its coolant out of the expansion bottle top, it shows that things are heavily over other words, the cylinder head gasket has failed. Ask a garage to do a 'sniff' test in the bottle to detect for products of combustion to make sure.

August 2009
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