loosen the front wheel nuts a quarter of a turn with the wheels on the floor. jack up the car and support the car on suitable axle stands. remove the front wheels. just behind the brake caliper you will see two rubber tubes with caps on them. prise the caps off and open the bonnet and remove the brake fluid reservoir top. back to the brakes you will need a 6mm allen key , loosen the the two allen studs and remove from the rubber tubes. on the front of the caliper there is a spring which will prise out and allow the pads to feel loose. insert a screw driver or pry bar and force the piston back into the caliper. the caliper will then pull off the pad carrier but will bring the rear pad with it as it is fixed into the caliper. then remove the front brake pad and clean around were the pads locate. pull the back pad out of the caliper . apply copper slip grease to the rear of both brake pads and fit the back pad with the three springs on into the caliper.then the front pad into its carrier. repeat this on both sides. then place the caliper over the brake pads and locate the allen studs and tighten the studs tight. place the locating spring on the front of the caliper again both sides. go into the car and press the brake pedal enough times so the pedal is at the top. check the brake fluid level top up if nessersary, and place the top on the reservoir. check both sides calipers and if both seem ok , place the road wheels on the car and check they rotate freely. jack the car up and remove your axle stands and carefully lower the car to the floor. torque the wheel nuts up and road test the car. job done !
August 2009