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Mend Honda Indicator Problem Indicators Side

05 Honda CBR 125 indicator problem?

Hey all, the problem I am having is with my indicators (left side to be exact)

The right side works perfectly fine but the left however... Well whenever I indicate to turn left, the front light does nothing (doesn't starting blinking, it just stays off) and the rear one comes on (doesn't blink either, just stays on as a constant light).

I have a feeling (keeping in mind I know nothing about bikes) that its just a matter of wires being crossed (I have fairly recently had some of the lights fixed due to an accident) but I honestly don't know. Any help would be appreciated, oh, and bonus points to anyone who can tell me how to fix it =D

Thanks all =)

August 2009
indicators not working at all

philip barlow
February 2022
OK - I have a very similar problem where the RH side bulbs (back and front) both stay on and don't flash. The LH side flashes correclty. I have swapped one bulb on the right hand side. THe problem has only occured since then. Any thoughts?

Martin Black
April 2012
Hi, this has just happened to me! Did you find out what was wrong and how to fix it???

May 2010
john is right .front bulb is duff. or bad connection on it.

August 2009
For indicators to blink, both bulbs on each side must be ok, as the flasher unit needs the current drawn by both bulbs to make it work - so check the front one.

August 2009
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