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Mend Ford 96 Start

96 ranger will not start just clicks at starter reley on fender well?

96 Ford Ranger will not start it just clicks at starter relay on fender well. I have cleaned and tightened the battery post. And
replaced the starter relay. I also put the battery on a charger to make sure it was good. After finding it charged I turn on the
lights and turned over the ignition,it did not seem to pull the lights down. It is a stanard transmision. It push starts
easy. When I do and drive it the amp meter ( stock +/- ) stays right in the middle were it always is. help please

S C O T T (O K C )
February 2006
After you try to start it is there volatage going to starter
posaably a bad starter if you are sure the starter is getting correct voltage ........sounds like a ba starter if lights aren`t dimmimg when you try to start it

February 2006
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