I personally think that all other advice is aimed at a reason for us to be sucked into buying things that don't sort the original prob, notice that even when I go to certain websites or if there is anything to powerful for PC to manage the power consumption.
I too thought it was the FAN, CPU or Motherboard not working at all or some computer settings.
However up until I visited a junkyard for PC's (yes there is one of these, even in the United Kingdom) and so I grabbed loads of PC's that no one wanted anymore, and like a mad scientist I ripped the guts out of my original and remade it into a hybrid monster mofo frankenstein PC, with my own add-on's which is running as faster as Usain Bolt's feet, is more powerful then over 1,000 Tesla H-Bombs put together and cooler then a Siberian Cossacks underpants.
I am finally able to do things in a fraction of a second
And if anyone wants the specs and the parts, please feel free to mail me at my email address listed below
(couturemusicwearcfo at the googlemail dotcom)
Ray Francis
May 2012