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Mend Countax Lawn Mowers

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Mend Countax

Frog in my countax c600?

I have just mowed my lawn with my countax c600 when i noticed a frog in my mowing route. Unfortunatly it was too late to stop and i mowed the frog down where it exited the rear and into the sweeper unit. Being a animal lover i decided i would remove the said frog from sweeper and give it a proper burial. Imagine my surprise when tipping the sweeper to extract frog, little kermit was there unharmed and proceded to hop off unscaved. So my question is does the countax c600 have a anti frog gaurd fitted as standard and if so is it avaliable on all the c series of tractors

Tim Davlin
July 2009
It probably thought the sweeper unit was a grass Hopper!

August 2009
Lucky frog.

August 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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