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Mend Beko Washing Machines

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Mend Beko Wont Work

beko wma 520 wont work?

Can any one help my beko wma 520 machine wont work som etimes it will fill with water but thats as far as it get's then it stops and other times it wont work at all i have tried all the settings but none of them work,When i switch the machine on i hear a faint click as if it wonts to go but can not if any one can help

July 2009
mate i had the same problem try the filter pump at the bottom on the right hand side. unscrew the tap and allow the machine to drain, if there is any blockage you should be able to see it in the spinner/fan pump. also if you drain water out this way it could flush the blockage out. hope that works.

July 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Beko washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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