Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

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Mend Briggs Stratton Set

4hp briggs and stratton quatro engine?

how do you set up throttle/governor on this engine. i have had problems with the engine "hunting"whilst in operation. could it be a fault that's developed with the carb?i have temporarily fixed the throttle setting by clamping the governer, but it's not an ideal situation. any tips please

stuart oxley
June 2009
This engine is not designed to run slower than a few hundred RPM below maximum. The carb has a built-in fuel pump that only operates properly at relatively high speed. Your motor probably has either missing or weak throttle springs which will lower the RPM. Replace them and adjust the tension so that the speed is up. For a diagram of the carb and springs, check the Briggs & Stratton online user manual maintenence section. Look for file "briggsandstrattonMS5373-GB.pdf".

October 2009
Definitely not ideal - the engine will be unable to respond to varying load. The previous suggection is a good one - replace the diaphragm. Costs pennies, and takes a few minutes.


Phil Saunders
June 2009
I had this problem with my lawnmower it was a small split in the carburetor diaphragm

June 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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