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Mend Veritas Home Alarm Systems

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Mend Veritas Power Cut Working

Veritas 8c gone funny after power cut?

I hope someone can help with this query please

It was working fine till a power cut at 9:15pm

At 12 midnight the alarm was sounding so the wife went downstairs and reset as normal with our code xxxx - reset

At 3:15 am it sounded but our code wouldnt work, ... nothing would so I had to get a screwdriver, gently pry off the cover and unscrew all the wires to get it to stop. Bear in mind this was 3:15 am pitch black lit by a small torch and worried sick it would wake up my little kids

Power is back on now but when I go thru the INSTALL manual what it says should happen doesnt

At power on and reconnect 12v line the is no warning tone ( the annoying one ) like there used to be. The keypad lights up and beeps like it should

After a 4 or 5 keypresses the button beep is a low one...not the normal one

I work for Canon in a techninal role so Im a techy but need a bit of help with this please

Any help is appreciated


May 2009
Well, if you are going to be so picky about the spelling I'll tell you something else that is wrong with your alarm.

If pulling out the wires from the control panel silenced it the battery in your outside sounder is also faulty, well serviced your alarm system.

Good luck with the Destroy It Yourself repair

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

May 2009
Thanks for your answer acorn

I will look at the battery again tomorrow

"You took out all the wires? You're a Cannon tech guy, that's the way you would repair a paper jam in a photocopier, take it all apart, oh boy no wonder Cannon cost so much."

OFC not but maybe you didnt understand that at 3:15 am with the alarm which wont go off, making a helluva noise, in pitch black and not wanting the kids to be woken up cos it'll take another hour to get em back to sleep and it just WONT go off it took all my reserve not to rip it from the wall and stamp on it. As it happenes , by torchlight I went into the garage, got the right driver, pen , paper and wrote down the wire colours and order and did it carefully

Rather good I think

Canon cost so much because you get what you pay for

Canon has 2 n's by the way...not 3, use a spellcheck

Rather good I think

May 2009
Measuring the voltage at the battery is almost a waste of time.

5yr old battery, its had it, there is your original problem
You should have 12v ish at the fuses, not 8.

Is the control panel in a cupboard with a boiler / hot water tank? If so, there is the cause of the battery problem, there could not be a worse place than that.

You took out all the wires? You're a Cannon tech guy, that's the way you would repair a paper jam in a photocopier, take it all apart, oh boy no wonder Cannon cost so much.

May 2009
I just had a look at the backup battery in the main box in the loft

It is at 13.2volts so seems ok, it is 5 years old or so

I metered each of the fuses in place and got 8volts at each end of each of them...if that helps

May 2009
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
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