Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Mower Wont Start

mower wont start?

i have a mtd yard machine riding mower and it wont start with the ignition but will start by crossing solinoid ignition switch is new as well as solinoid do you have any ideas

May 2009
have checked the fuse appears to be in good condition

May 2009
You have a fuse blown somewhere...check in the vicinity of the battery, or underneath the dashboard area.

May 2009
More than likely you have a faulty or mal-adjusted safety switch. These are fitted to the blade engage, brake, and possibly the transmission gear shift (if applicable). Their purpose is to prevent starting in an unsafe condition.

Check if battery voltage appears on the solenoid trigger wire when switch turned to 'start'. If so, the solenoid is either faulty of not grounded properly. If not, check those switches.


Phil Saunders
May 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
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