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Mend Error Msg File Integrity Violated Move Paste Pc Plz

error msg file integrity violated?

when i move or paste any data in my PC, I get the error msg file integrity violated
plz tell me some solution for it

rahul singh
May 2009
You should unninstal tera copy

December 2014

February 2013
uninstall if you are installed any fast copy software like teracopy.
then it will work..

its the Best solution.. i copy anything into pc in removable disk it can not copy

prafull garg
November 2012
Thanks a lot for answer. :-)

June 2012
tera copy probleam! delete tera copy

May 2012
there are many option to mend it
Remove all fast copy writer
Create a new user

Rohit Tak
February 2012
dont know

November 2011
Remove tera copy software or other faster copy software. If it is not work then restart your PC with safe mode and after than restart PC normally.

Keval Sanghavi, Kalavad (shitla)
September 2011
file integrity violated:- Copy not work. Please help me HOW? I am DEAF. I am tension about my pc to pen-dive. COPY PROBLEM. Error FILE INTERITY VIOLATED.
Pl reply. I am Chandramouli.

August 2011
create a new user in computer and then login with new user then you can copy the data from one location to other

August 2011
thank i can copy paste.. yipee=)

July 2011
tera copy is problem so it also says sometime it cant be deleted so u can easily use unlocker software unlock then delete then it can delete easily tera copy and then u can able to copy thnks u :)

rishabh singh rana
July 2011
when i move,copy or paste any data in my PC, I get the error msg file integrity violated
plz tell me some solution for it

July 2011
remove the teracopy or that sort of fast copying softwares it definitely works

July 2011
Thanks yar

July 2011
sir its urgent,
when i move,copy or paste any data in my PC, I get the error msg file integrity violated
plz tell me some solution for it

vivek chuudhary
June 2011
thx for the help frnd....!!!!!!

tarun tandon
May 2011
Just uninstall the fast copy software from ur system like tera copy etc..

May 2011
ok. i tried the same problem, and i found the solution in one thing, it's to uninstall any program of fasting the transfering such as the "Tera Copy".

dyaa sooswa
May 2011
delete all fast copy software (like- teracopy)u r installed and restart the system

April 2011
The message is not meaningless. The system is trying to protect your computer from a damaged or malicious file.

A system file has been corrupted, if a message from Windows(r) File Protection is appearing telling you a file needs to be replaced. If you still have the dllcache folder intact, you can:

1. Open C:\Windows\system32\dllcache from the Run box (available through pressing Win + R on your keyboard).
2. Download Replacer.
3. Copy the file from dllcache that you want to replace to your desktop
4. Rename the file (for instance, to name a really common one, from SHELL32.DL_ to shell32.dll).
5. Open C:\Windows\system32 and locate the other file.
6. Drag it in and press Enter.
7. Drag in the new file and press Enter.
8. Reboot the PC.

If this fails, or if it is several files, your PC is infected and needs cleaning. Download Microsoft(r) Security Essentials, McAfee(tm) Security Scan, or a trial version of Norton(tm), and throughly scan your PC. This should fix your file integrity issues.

ZkyRhO - I Fixed it
January 2011
when i move or paste any data in my PC, I get the error msg file integrity violated

December 2010
file integrity violated

December 2010
when i move or paste any data in my PC, I get the error msg file integrity violated

September 2010
Thanks dilip. It really worked. "Teracopy" software was installed and it need to be removed. I just want to know in extra that what is file integriity?

September 2010
thanks 2 ur advice.... its really works

mafia boy
March 2010
this problem arise due to the fast copying software install in your uninstall it..
so it might correct the error..

November 2009
Q:system integrity violation.
This error is due to a problem in the VT52.SYS device driver, which has no overflow checking for its buffer.
A:Turning off the Allow Fast Paste option in the PIF file may help to correct the problem.

November 2009
Just normally uninstall any fast copying software.......
hope it works.......

July 2009

May 2009
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