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Mend Kenmore Washing Machines

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Mend Kenmore 80 Washer Series

Kenmore Model 80, how can I confirm if I have a washer timer problem?

I have a Kenmore series 80, Model 110.20882990 clothes washer and I think I have a Timer problem. The washer has 3 speeds; slow, fast and ultra fast, with 4 wash cycles; hand wash, delecate, regular, and heavy duty.

During the agetation cycles the agitator only works while on the heavy duty/ ultra fast setting. On the other settings I get a fast "click-clicking" noise and no agitator movement.

Short of replacing the timer for $80/ $90 and unable to return electrical parts does anyone know if this could be a timer problem?


January 2006

Sorry Keith, I seemed to have lost this post in the shuffle. You probably have fixed your washer by now but, if your washer was spinning OK that would rule out a bad motor coupler. I would take the agitator off and check out the 4 agitator dogs or the agitator itself for bad splines.

February 2006
Thanks JP.
You are right, I took the timer apart last night, it seems fine.

The washer works on high speed right now, all others I get the clicking sound with slight agitation movement, also the lights in the laundry area "flick" while on those speeds.

I get spin, fill, drain, etc. it's just the slower speeds that I get this problem it seems to be coming from the agitator. (Last week the machine gave a clicking sound on the fast cycle and its okay now, but I wouln't be surprised to see it quit for good one of these times).

I'll see if I can locate the coupler as you suggest. If you have any other thoughts please fell free to send them. I'll let you know how I make out.

Thanks again,

January 2006

It certainly does not sound like a timer issue. Since your getting a clicking sound in the other cycles that proves you have your contacs in the timer are ok. Will the washer spin? Where is the clicking coming from? I would check for a bad coupler between the motor and the gearcase based on the info you gave.

January 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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