how can i find the problem with my motorcycle not starting?
i have an 04 suzuki gsxr 750, i thought i had traced the problem down to the solenoid so i replaced it with a new one. cycle still will not start. i have also replaced the battery. what else should i try or do?
ok you need to find out where the wires from the starter button go and try and check for continuity at the switch or check for 12v at the solanoid.if you have 12v when button is pressed you know its ok and fault lies with the starter could try spraying a little wd40 round the switch but it might not penatrait,my best guess is the sidestand switch(also simple to check)or bad just need to trace it back from solanoid to the switch.also have you tryd the spare key,
May 2009
Check it is not in gear as well
May 2009
Check if there is a spark. But in all cylinders. If there is then not elecrical. If not look at plugs, leads, and coils.
I would also change or check air filter.
If there is a spark in all pots then pour a LITTLE petrol in each pot and replace plugs and then try to start. If it starts and then dies I would suggest petrol
May 2009
no alarm, fuel pump comes on, i have tried with clutch pulled in, it will not turn over at all
Michelle Werner
May 2009
If its alarmed check the fuse for that,im guessing its not even trying to turn over.also worth checking kill switch .have you try;dstarting with the cluch held in as it could be a sidestand switch
May 2009
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how can i find the problem with my motorcycle not starting?