hi if you have you batch number on the radio its the bottom number under the barcode fo e.g enoch ures is CL0410X0010650 so you take the last 4 digets, 0650, add 1 to the 1st diget 1, add 2 2 the second diget 8 because the nubers greater that 6 take 6 off, 2, 3rd diget add 3, because the digets over 6 take 6 off, 2 4th diget ad 4,, 4 ure code will be "1 2 2 4" this worked for me if it dont wrk dnt kep trying it i dnt want the blame lol, but im sure it will wrk just take the last 4 digets, 1st+1 2nd+2 3rd+3 4th+4 n if any of the nubers you get after adding are greater thean 6 take 6 off, thanx hope this helps people. Ste Butters
Ste Butters
July 2010