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Mend Brother Sewing Machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
Mend repair fix Brother sewing machines

Mend > Sewing Machines

Mend Brother

embroidery machine out of sequeunce, BROTHER galaxie 2002?

my embroidery machine is out of sequencse, some light weight material cought in dogs. Model BROTHER galaxie 25002

MRS J A Bourne
April 2009
Don't try to do mechanical repairs on it yourself! You won't save a penny. You will spend hours fooling with the machine trying to save $50 or $75.00 and when you're done you will have to bring it to a shop anyways. Now the repair bill to fix what you have wrecked will be much higher. You could even cause a static or capacitor discharge and fry the circuit boards completely, then the repairs would run over $1000.00.

I've been repairing machines full time for 35 years, I see machines that customers have tinkered with all the time.... Believe me you are only asking for trouble. I had one this week; the machine needed 4 hours of labour, a new shuttle and a new bobbin case after the customers husband tried to repair it, the repair was $451.00.

Care to guess what was wrong with the machine in the first place?

Dom dee dee dee dum......


The needle was not all the way up in the needle clamp! All she had to do to correct the problem was to insert the needle correctly. If she had brought the machine into the shop we would have showed her the error and sent her on her merry way without charging a penny. (Unless of course she came into the shop in a foul mood and took out her frustration on us, then she would have had to leave the machine here a few days for a $75 per hour technician (me) to look at, it could easily take an hour or more to diagnose the problem ;o)

Moss Limbayter
April 2009
I can attach timing instructions if you email me but you will now have to get my email address on any answer from page 25 down because this no longer allows email addresses to be shown.

April 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
Mend repair fix Brother sewing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
Mend repair fix Brother sewing machines