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Mend Fiesta Zetec Cars

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Mend Fiesta Zetec Radio Code Car Find

I need a radio code for my fiesta?

My car battery was disconested recently and my radio now needs a code. How do I find this out? I have a fiesta zetec v reg.

January 2006
you can also visit they can unlock radios over the phone for only £7

February 2006
Have you looked in your car documentation?. there may be a card with the code and details on how to enter it.

January 2006
The best thing to do is find good auto electrician and get them to put a new code in for you they will give you a copy of code for you to keep in safe place,On the wirral it costs about £15.00

January 2006
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Click here to mend Fiesta Zetec cars