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Mend Worcester Home Heating Systems

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Mend > Home Heating Systems

Mend Worcester Boiler Gas

How can I make my combi boiler recognise the room thermostat ?

I have a combi worcester boiler installed by british gas. It has been fine until the batteries ran out in the room thermostat. I have replaced them, but the boiler won't activate the heating now and the red light on the boiler that flashes to indicate 'communication' with the room thermostat is permanently on.

Clare Bear
April 2009
Hi Bunslinger (Great Name!!),

The room thermostat is branded as british gas. It is about 3" square and has a central display with the temperature showing. There is a (non functioning)button on either side of the temperature display and a plus and minus button below for the temperature control. It takes 4 AA batteries. Does this help? If not I will take your suggestion of call worcester in the morning to see if they can sort it out.


Clare Bear
April 2009
Hi Claire

Can you describe your room stat and receiver so I know what you've got?

Or, call worcester technical in the morning (they start at 7) and they will walk you through how to get the two talking again - 08705 266241.

April 2009
Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
Find out how to mend Worcester home heating systems

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Mend Heating, Home Heating Systems
Find out how to mend Worcester home heating systems