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Mend Fuji Digital Cameras

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Mend Cameras, Digital Cameras

My Fuji F601 constantly locks up/freezes. Is there a problem with these?

I've had a Fuji F601 for a few months. Recently it stopped working and locked up with the lense stuck out. I couldn't use it for the rest of the day.

Today it did the same thing, plus when I try to connect via USB to download the photos, I can only download about two before the camera freezes up. What could be wrong? It sounds like the thing needs to go back to its maker.

August 2003
I too have the same prob. but out of warranty has anyone got an update on what to do

Steve Plant
May 2005
I have had the same problem with my F610 Zoom.
Sent it back to Fuji & they said they could not find anything wrong.
Sent it back again & am still awiting answer.

maurice anderson
January 2005
By way of a follow up....

I had to return the camera to Fuji and they replaced it. They didn't say what they found, but it was obviously uneconomical to repair it.

September 2003
It could be that the battery is running low. Do the faults occur when you've been using it for a while?

Rick Smith
August 2003
Mend Cameras, Digital Cameras
Find out how to mend Fuji digital cameras

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Mend Cameras, Digital Cameras
Find out how to mend Fuji digital cameras