Alarm when set: When an alarm occurs
with the system either 'Fully Set' or 'Part
Set', go to control panel and key-in your
four digit access code. The panel 'Day'
light and the light(s) associated with the
alarm condition will be illuminated.
Reset system: To reset the system,
key-in your access code again. The 'Day'
light only will be illuminated.
Tamper Alarm: If you hear the internal
sounder with the system off (Day), go to
control panel. The 'Tamper' light will be
illuminated. Key-in your access code to
stop the sounder. Call your alarm
installer for service.
Panic Alarm: To cancel a 'Panic Alarm',
first reset the panic button, then key-in
your four digit access code.
February 2009