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Mend Peugeot Motorcycles

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Mend Peugeot Bought Starting Problems

missing stop switch speedfight 100?

have just bought peugeot speedfight 100. stop switch missing amongst other non starting problems. seen running 1 year ago before put in shed. does stop switch bridge two contacts in throttle grip assembley or disconnect them? plus does starter still turn engine over whilst immobiliser activated as i have no starter life at all solonoid or commutator? where is relay for starter situated? is starter easily removed? would appreciate your help.

February 2009
hi adam, am sorted i hope mate. please see answers to my other question (why doesnt my immobiliser recognise any colour key?)thanks man.

February 2009
hi adam, have bridged starter across relay connector plug. starter spins lovley. didnt realise brake switch needed to complete circuit thanks.have had engine running today by disconnecting battery and kicking over. obvious immobiliser probs. have tried red key black key red key method as described in answer to my other question on this site that you answered. thanks.i believe this method is for old AEC100 CDi. the newer AEC400 two box setup has 4 digit code supplied with keys from factory when new on tag. dont quite know how to put this code in exactly. please see answers to other question i posted on this site for where i am up to (speedfight 100. why doesnt my immobiliser recognise any colour key). . your help greatly appreciated. thanks mate.

February 2009
right one thing at a time,the starter relay is just in front of the battery to the right slighlty ,the battery sits between your feet as you sit on the bike and there is a small cover held on by a torx screw.the starter circuit must be completed to make the starter motor turn to do this the ignition must be on and the battery charged and a good fuse fitted(not blown)then one of the two brakes needs to be pulled in and the start button check the brake light switches work just look at the tail light and see if it lights up when a brake is pulled.if not then check the bulb first and if still no luck then the switche/s the switches bridge the circuit when the brake is pulled so to test the circuit if both switches are faulty which is common just get a small split pin and part the ends and push them into the small spade connectors that fit onto the switches and see if the rear light illuminates.if so then press the start button if your hear a click (that will be the starter relay)and the starter motor doesnt turn then either the wire is corroded where it screws to the small spade terminal on the starter motor or the starter motor is faulty.ok good luck let me know what happens and ill lead you the right way ps its a very common thing for the starters to give up on these bikes same as many other 50cc auto's

adam bike doctor
February 2009
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