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Mend Dell MP3 Players

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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend Dell Headphone Jack Headphones

What companies can fix a broken headphone jack for my Dell DJ?

My headphone jack on my 20 gig Dell DJ is broken, if you push the headphones all the way into the jack, only the left headphone works, if you push it halfway in only the right one works. i cant get both to work at the same time. Are there any companies that can fix this?

Allie Strelbisky
December 2005
Have the same problem with mine... I'm right there with you on the planned obsolescence theory

December 2008
I fixed mine at a local mobilephone repair, they only took 2$.

January 2006
Same problem with the DJ15, Dell suggested buying a refurbished unit!!! What a laugher, buy another one. Also they said "try to get a local electronics place to fix it". We have not searched yet. It may be possible to fix yourself, it is easy enough to take the back off with the 4 screws (one of them larger than the other 3). The problem is where can you get the same connector they use also you must dig deeper into the unit.

Trying to tweak the contacts in the unit with a jewelers screwdriver did not work. You can try this yourself, but he contacts inside are tough to get at.

These companies only want to sell product, not service them.

December 2005
Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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Mend Audio, MP3 Players
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